#Step 10: Now we're going to go back to Project parameters again to edit the Texture Layers ( I don't know why but you can't do this when creating a new project.). #Step 9: Click on “Apply Proposed” and “Close” now that you're back in the Project parameters box click “OK”.
#Arma 3 l3dt terrain Pc#
Click on calculator, in “Image Size (pixels):” write 2048, this will mean that your Satellite/Mask texture is going to be 2048 x 2048 pixels, this is relatively small, Sahrani is 20480 x 20480 pixels, images of those size take an extreme amount of time and resources from your PC to process, export/import etc. #step 8: A bit further down in is a button which says “Calculator…”, this is where you'll select your Satellite and Mask texture size. #Step 7: In “Terrain Grid Size” select 512 x 512, In “Terrain Cell Size (meters)” write 10.0. This is even where I can get a little (or a lot) confused, so for simplification I'll give you a specific setup. #Step 6: Go back into V3 and click Project-> New, here you'll see the Project parameters box, this is where you'll choose the size of your Height map, cell size, Satellite/Mask map etc.

#Step 5: In the MyMap folder create two folders, one called Data and the other Source, in the Source folder create another folder called Terrain. #Step 4: In P:\ create a folder, this will be your map folder so you can call it MyMap first time around. #Step 3: Displeased with the stone age like GUI are we? Good, head over to your new P:\ drive which should have been automatically generated when installing Visitor or Oxygen. #Step 2: Start it up and have a look around.

#Arma 3 l3dt terrain install#
#Step 1: Unpack Visitor 3 and install on your C:\ drive. Alright, from now on I'll explain things mostly in simple 1-2-3 steps to try and keep things as simplistic and understandable as possible, I'll try and keep as much useless crap outta this tut as possible because I hate all that nonsense that leaves you frustrated in most tutorials, but please do bear with me, this is the first tut I've ever written for anything and I am not by a long shot a master with V3.